Tuesday, March 10, 2009

junket terrace

I haven't been spending much time on the computer.  
I really haven't felt like it, been sick, reading, playing video games, etc.

I'm kind of in a strange place.

like a train station.  I have my transfer in my hand but I'm just not sure where my connecting trip picks up at.  does that make sense?

every few years or so something(s) happen(s) that change the course of your life completely.  a lot of people miss these moments, not fully appreciating them for what they are until they look back years later.

not me.  I am completely aware when I step up to the forks.  

I take a deep breath and hope I've gone the right direction.  it's always a gamble, you never really know how it's going to work out.
situations doomed to awesome or terrible with no shades of mediocrity.

so it's that time for me again.  re-evaluate, turn over leaves, put back in the oven, touch up the paint.

so... I'll see you when I get back

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wii love it


we got a wii.  I've been wanting one for awhile now, mostly for the wii fit.

I love nintendo.  they have been the leaders in innovation, handhelds and kickass classics for a long time now.  I've been to cube clubs to play unreleased games on high def t.v's with dj's spinning and fun merch there for the taking.
I'm completely loyal, regardless of what they may say about this console being "for kids".  

honestly, these people can punch themselves in the face.  animal crossing may look like it's for 5 year olds but ya'll betta belee, it's fun.

I had the original nintendo.  mike tyson's punch out.  zelda.  mario bros.  metroid.  etc.  
I had the super nes.  again, all the classics.
I waited up all night when the gamecube came out, outside in the cold, in the middle of winter to be one of the first to own this magnificent entertainer, and to escape the inevitable absence of said gaming stations for months on end.

so after a seriously lengthy wait, I have finally procured the wii along with fit.
Now, I remember watching a short video literally years before it's debut, showcasing the possible new idea for a console.  I thought it was brilliant, a totally new and ingenious way to play, one that didn't involve getting extra fat.  
I had chalked it up to an abandoned project and had forgotten all about it when it was finally released.

so, to continue, I made shawn pick it up while I was at work so that I could immerse myself in this glory upon abode arrival.  my sister, not much of a gamer, sent me a text message while I was working that read, "this wii fit is awesome!"

I couldn't wait to get home, and disappointment didn't greet me at the door.  
my sister excitedly babbled about the mini games they had played.
shawn had moved the couch to the far end of the living room in a campaign to create "more room for activities".

This thing is, well, awesome.  It's fun.  It's good for you.  It's ridiculously unrealistic about your BMI in a very flattering way.

wii sports is also extra fun, bowling, tennis, softball.  I can completely see myself drunk as fuck and babbling with house guests while I lose ten frames.  I haven't even played all of these games.  we haven't even downloaded the classics yet.

the best part?  it's in the living room instead of in our bedroom like the xbox is.  I no longer have to vie with shawn for quality time with the virtual babysitter.

hurray for technology.
3 cheers for fun.
hip hip for fitness.

ya-fucking-hoo for me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

addled eyes

okay so I haven't been online hardly at all over the last few days.  in fact, it took me literally hours to go through all my messages, so I should definitely remember that the next time I go slacking off.

shawn has had a few days off, which has definitely contributed to my truancy, but he's not entirely at fault.  compiled below is a list of scapegoats (though not in order of culpability).

a) shawn
b) my job (it gets in the way of so much)
c) books that have my attention
d) adventuring
and finally,
e) my new pills are making me extra sleepy

so let's see what's new, shall we?

I had a pretty bizarre dream last night that was rapidly fading so I scribbled it down into my dream journal before it was gone completely.  

christine left for seattle on thursday, which meant that we had the house to ourselves for the weekend.  this was particularly nice because we don't get a lot of time together completely alone together.

the following morning I awoke with an urge to visit the mystery spot in santa cruz.  I'd never been, had always wanted to go, and was in need of a wacky adventure.  
shawn is ever willing so off we went.

it was a long drive but the ride was spent in good conversation and I hardly noticed the time it took to get there.
after purchasing our tickets from a thoroughly bizarre old man at the ticket booth we perused the tacky gift shop.  I bought a book called, "weird california", full of curious locales to visit.  I have already decided on my next traipse, the wave organ in san francisco.  I have never heard of this and I plan to visit the cliff house sutro bath ruins while I'm there.  I've been before but shawn hasn't and I'd like him to see it.

to forge ahead on the mystery spot topic...

you have to actually have a tour guide and can't wander around on your own but as it turns out, you almost need one, and it's certainly better to have someone with you that (sort of) knows what the fuck is going on.  our tour guide was weird, looked like a leprechaun and was a little creepy but informative.

they're not entirely sure what's causing the disturbance in this particular neck of the woods but there are a few theories.  the most plausible is that there is a large magnetic rock bed underneath this particular stretch that causes a shift in gravity.
other theories include...

a spaceship buried underground

optical illusions caused by the tilt of the house itself 

a vortex somehow connected to the bermuda triangle (wtf?)

paranormal activity


high velocity soft electrons or carbon dioxide exiting the earth, among others.

none of these theories explains the depth perception disturbance in outdoor areas where a horizon line is present, the fact that brooms stand on end, severe disorientation and motion sickness even though you're not moving, absolutely no birds or animals of any kind can be heard or will nest in this area, compasses do not work, trees grow in spirals, the coriolis effect is backwards and the inconsistency of the phenomenon itself.  sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

regardless of the cause, there is certainly an effect.  it was interesting to say the least, but it was disorienting and I felt something strong and pulling at my center.  it was worse in some places over others, which also doesn't fit into the whole "tilted house theory".

whatever the case may be...
you should check it out, it's one of those nerdy, fun-for-the-whole-family dealy-o's.