Friday, May 22, 2009

peckish and pokey

I'm starving.

all the time.

It's totally annoying.  It's like I live in a food desert.  (did someone say dessert? no, fatty)  I would no sooner leave my house without some sort of food in my possession than I would leave for the desert sans water.

the scary part is that aside from my demon bowl (aka pot), I'm not getting any bigger.  I haven't even gained any weight.  

where the hell is all this food going?!?

aside from this great food debacle I am finally feeling better.  feeling better = only feeling pukey occasionally instead of every waking moment.  and although I still want to sleep nearly all the time I am actually getting a little energy back.

so what's new you might ask... ?

well... I'm going back to school.  I should be starting next month.  I'm finally going to realize (one of) my dreams and become an official bloodletter (phlebotomist).  they'll pay me and everything!

Shawn and I have a couple days off together so we're going to paint the nursery and spend good solid money we barely have on bebe furniture, and I don't mean that swanky brand name sparkly tshirt brand...

I'm starting to get fat enough that people are tentatively asking my sister in hushed voices if I'm pregnant?  so as not to upset the beast.  haha, I can't wait until someone asks me directly just so I can feign offense and say, "NO.  I am NOT pregnant".  haha.  and then wait for them to feel like an asshole before I laugh out loud about it.  

no, really, they'll think it's funny too, I promise...