Thursday, March 11, 2010


my... some time has passed.

rather than recap what was missed I'll just keep on though...

It's been a bit. have things changed? probably, but not too drastically. the only time I really notice it is when I want to whisk off to the city and can't due to babbins.

I notice I keep my second reality separate and only for myself.
In this one, I rock out to long forgotten music, drink too much for no reason and by myself, chat with friends online and write about my boring life in a way that seems exciting or at least interesting. in my other life I am super mom, I play with my daughter, do laundry, clean house, work, etc. It's actually awesome.

this debut from my hiatus, however, is imposing a bit of nervosa though... don't know why, no one reads these fucking things, but I feel like I'm supposed to entertain you bitches or something...


Rene said...

i read. and i applaud you for being the best momma you can be.

[js] said...

yes, well somehow i just ended up reading it. cheers. we're fast approaching twenty years of acquaintance.